Safe am I
Safe am I
in the
hollow of His hand!
Sheltered 'or
Sheltered 'or
His love for ever more!
No foe can harm me
Nor fear alarm me
His keeps both day and night!
Safe am I
Safe am I
in the
hollow of His hand!
It is a joy to be back in Niger. Paul is in the Bloc (Operating Room) this morning. I am doing a bit of this and that. First days are full. Greeting everyone is very important. Nursing rounds must be made. Supplies that we brought must be sorted, inventoried and distributed.
This morning we had a meeting with the spiritual life team. It was a great time of sharing, planning and praying together. There is an ongoing great need and desire for the children to be reached with the love of the Lord Jesus through Bible stories, songs and skits. But how? We are so blessed in the USA with an abundance of materials and training for children. However not all material is appropriate for the culture in Niger. Additionally, the scriptures must be taught considering children's developmental stages.
Of course I am no expert but I love to tell the true stories from the Bible. This visit I have chosen a series of Bible stories from the Old Testament that contain Children. Each lesson will include a Bible truth about God from the life of the child. We have some great pictures to illustrate the stories. We have paired some great action 'Sunday School' songs to go along with each story. We laughed as we attempted to translate some songs. We planned the lessons together and then prayed together for God's wisdom, help and blessing. We ask for much spiritual fruit from these lessons.
I chose the song above which is an old Sunday School chorus as it is one that my father taught me. I remember him singing it. The truth is very comforting as I travel about visiting the various CURE International hospitals.
More importantly, this is a truth that we desire for each child, caregiver and staff to know in uncertain and troubling times. We desire safety during their hospital experience and recovery. We desire safety as the patients return to their homes. We desire safety in knowing the LORD Jesus Christ for their eternal future.
Please join us in praying for the CURE Niger Hospital. It is a joy to serve here.
The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27a
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