Sunday, January 9, 2011

Greetings from Uganda

It is hard to believe that I am back in my beloved Uganda with dear bothers and sisters in the
Lord. Today was a typical Sunday for me. I got ready for 'prayers' meaning church services. Everyone here, no matter how poor, tries to put on their best clothes and look 'smart' or as we say in Kentucky....'clean up good'!
Funny thing on the way to church is that I took the wrong road delaying my arrival for the 10:30 second service. I arrived at 10:50 to a full auditorium and slipped onto the bench next to my friends Angela and John. I was so tickled to find a spot next to them. As I listened to what was being said...I was thinking...I must be later than I thought! Next thing we are asked to stand for closing prayer! Oh, oh I was late but early! The 8am service ended at 11:45! I thought I got a few strange looks coming into the church. Well, I hadn't heard the sermon so stayed on for the second service....I had to leave at 1:50 as I told the guard at the hospital to send a search party if I wasn't back by two as it would mean I was lost. By this time I had missed my lunch at the hospital but got to visit the ICU and pray for a critically ill baby Joel. It is always a joy to be with CURE nurses and pray for the dear patients. The hospital is full! The work of healing children born with neurological disabilities and malformations continues even with the 10th Anniversary celebrations this Friday.
It is a joy to be here and I appreciate the CURE hospitals even more now that I've visited 4 of them. God is using medicine as a link to the communities to bring healing to bodies and to broken hearts so desperate for His saving love.
It is exciting to be here! Thank you to all who are supporting CURE in various ways!
Tomorrow, I will be with Florence, the matron and Elisha, the nurse clinician teacher. I'm here to serve them. The week will go fast as I am going on Wednesday to visit my Compassion Child in the mountains of Bududa. Friday is the day of festivities and Saturday I head off towards CURE Kijabe. Wow...all this and Heaven too?!
What a privilege to serve our great God and Savior!

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